For the GGD Haaglanden (Health Department of The Hague and surrounding area) I’ve made numerous informational leaflets on diseases and lifestyle choices. Of course, it’s very important that the information is clear and in the right tone of voice. To do so I work in close collaboration with doctors, nurses and dietetics managing both illustrations and text.
The concerns of physicians differ greatly from the concerns of a patient. A professional may lie awake from the thought that 1 in 5 children are obese. A mother, on the other hand, might interpret this statistic completely different and think: “Well, then it’s not such a problem. A lot of his friends are big boys.” Choosing what to focus on and of equal importance; what to leave out is key.
This brochure addresses the (increased) dangers of diabetes among pregnant women and gives lifestyle advise to help prevent it. Targetting a large group with a wide variety of language skills it was a challenge to include exactly the right amount of information in the most clear and comprehensible way. I worked in close collaboration with Lotte Nap, food coach at Lot of Taste working through 17(!) versions before it was just right. It was a huge success, the professionals working with it are very enthusiastic and find it a great help. It went national.
Shown here is a tool they use at the GGD to explain that someone has hepatitis, what it means, how they could have gotten it and how they can keep their loved ones safe.