Official City Illustrator 2021
The city at one and a half meter
The city at one and a half meter
Stadsarchief Rotterdam (The City Archive), Het Centrum Beelden Kunst Rotterdam (The Centre of Art) and de Kunsthal choose me of one of the three drafts(wo)men to draw the city in times of corona. I was honoured.
I decided to focus on the stories of the people living this time in this city. Rotterdam is famous for bringing together a rich mix of people. These times of corona seems to accomplish the opposite. Groups of people emerge, all nuance seem to disappear.
Listening to the stories of representatives of some of these groups, it became clear that it is not that black or white. Everyone had to make difficult decisions, choose how to adapt. All suffer loses and all discovered things they wouldn’t have done otherwise.
In a one and a half meter format I captured their stories.
You can read more (in Dutch) about this project on the websites of Het Stadsarchief, het CBK, de Kunsthal en het Rijnmond nieuws.
Strange policies… A restaurant manager (and corona surviver) on corona policies.
Who can you blame? A victim of corona who looses both her mother and mother in law on corona and it’s aftermath.
Working magic! Two primairy school teachers on stress, working together and reaching (out to) their kids.
Survival of the fittest. A club and Restaurant owner about adapting to change.